1. Background of the Seminar
Nowadays, lingusitics study is dominated by the schools of positivism, foudationalism and nomotetism. The International Seminar of Multi–Disciplines Linguistics is expected to explore the creative ideas in order to set the linguistics free from the nomotetism (a natural science transformed to the social science domain). The purpose is to make the lingusitics, which has been already exists in humanities domain, becoming more humanity and not in a contradictory. The International Seminar of Multi - Disciplines Linguistics is an intellectual map to raise the subjegated linguistic domains, local languages (vernacular), mother tongues, and other new hybrid domains in linguistics.
Beside the cooperation of the multi–disciplines in linguistics, which has been developed for a long time in the linguistics domain, such as the cooperation between sociology and linguistics produces the sociolinguistics domain, the cooperation between psychology and linguistic produces psycholinguistics domain, the cooperation between anthropology and linguistics produces anthropolinguistics, at this moment, there are some numbers of material objects that develops intensively like forensic linguistics as a unifying form of linguistics against law, biolinguistics as a unifying form of linguitics against biology, language evolution as a unifying form of linguistics against archaeology-history, and computational linguistics (language computing) as a unifying form of linguistics against technology, language pathology, etc. Inspired by the Cross-Field Linguistics, a language study is hoped developing and aiming to the varied struggles of ethic and humanity in the future.
2. The Purposes of the Seminar
The purposes of this seminar are firstly to provide a fellowship and debating forum related to the linguistics study in the various field study perspectives or in line with another applied field study dealing with historical linguistics, dialectology, semiotics, psycho-neurolinguistics, anthropolinguistics, sosiolinguistics, pragmatics, phonology, morphology, sintax and semantics of a language. Secondly, it also gives a chance to “half-eyes-opened linguistics researches” in this country, such as: ecolinguistics, forensic linguistics, biolinguistics, language evolution, language pathology and computational linguistics (language computing). Finally, this seminar is expected as some research material alternatives, curriculum delevopment, education, and policy decision in the related institutions.
3. Speakers of the Seminar
The speakers who are going to participate in the seminar come from national and international universities. Some of them are:
1. Prof. Madya Noriah Mohamed
(USM Malaysia)
2. Dr. Drs. Eddy Setia, M.Ed. TESP (USU) Medan)
3. Prof. Dr. M.Zaim (The Head of
LPMP of West Sumatera)
4 Prof. Dr. Nadra, M.S.
(Andalas University)
5. Prof. Dr. Oktavianus, M. Hum.
(Andalas University)
6. Prof. Dr. Jufrizal, M. Hum
(Padang State University)
7. Dr. Sawirman, M.Hum.
(Andalas University)
The committees invite academicians, researchers, and the interested people from the related disciplines to get involved as the speakers by proposing the articles in line with the theme and established-writing criteria.
4. Papers
a. Sources of the papers come from the research results, research development or innovatives thoughts in line with the seminar theme.
b. The articles consit of 10 to 15 pages. It is typed by using MS Word for Windows, Arial 11 pitch, and 1,5 space on A4 paper size.
c. Organizations of the papers are arranged hierarchily:
a) Title b) Abstract,
c) Introduction, d) Analysis,
e) Conclusion, and f) Bibliography
e. The paper selection processses will be held from March 5th 2010 to March 7th 2010.
f. The result of article selection will be announced via e-mail, linguistik.unand@gmail.com in March 5th 2010 together with an announcement and an invitation. g. The delivery limit of power point and the confirmation of speaker participation is in March 12th 2010 (for selected papers only).
h. The announcement of schedule, place, and presentation time for the selected speakers is via e-mail linguistik.unand@gmail.com in March 15th 2010. i. The presented papers will be inserted in proceeding. The proceeding will be sent to the speaker’s address by having a suitable extra delivery cost or by taking it directly to commitee secretary after seminar.
5. Participants of the Seminar
a. This international Seminar is open for public, linguistic researchers or observers, practitioners, and teachers or lecturers from Universities Research and Development Foundation nationally and internationally, Public/Private Research Foundation, Profession Foundation, or even International Foundations in linguistics or education.
c. The deadline of registration time is in March 15th 2010.
d. The participants who register after the deadline will be extra-charged.
6. Time and Place
This International Seminar will be held on Thursday, March 18th 2010. It takes place at E Building, Limau Manis Campus, Andalas University, Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia.
7. Registration Fee
The speaker/participant registration fee is sent to BNI 1946 No. Rek. 0068987258, on behalf of Yanti Riswara. The details are:
a. The selected speakers (National and International)
- Rp250.000,00 (Two Hundred and Fifty Thousands Rupiahs) ) for article fotocopies, certificate, ID card, snacks, lunch, including the proceeding printed-cost.
- Rp300.000,00 (Three Hundred Thousands Rupiahs), for payment after March 15th 2010.
b. Participation non Speaker
(national and international)
For papers fotocopies, certificate, ID card, snacks, lunch, the participants will be charged a registration fee as the following:
a. Public/Lecturer/Researcher:
- Rp150.000,00 (One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Rupiahs) for payment before March 15th 2010
- Rp200.000,00 (Two Hundred Thousands Rupiahs) for payment after March 15th 2010.
b. Post-Graduate Student (with the student ID card):
- Rp100.000,00 (One Hundred Thousand Rupiahs) for payment before March 15th 2010.
- Rp150.000,00 (One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Rupiahs) for payment after March 15th 2010.
c. Bachelor Degree/S1 (with the
student ID card):
- Rp50.000,00 (Fifty Thousand Rupiah) for payment before March 15th 2010.
- Rp75.000,00 (Seventy Five Thousand Rupiah) for payment after March 15th 2010.
The participant non speaker is expected to fill the available form (attached) for participation confirmation by attaching the date, number and the receipt file.
8. Transportation/Accomodation
- The transportation and accomodation of the speaker and participant of the International Seminar of Multi-Disciplines Linguistics (national/ international) are not charged by the commitees.
- For the speaker/ participant who needs a lodge, he/she can contact the commitees for room reservation one week before the day at least.
9. The Commitees
The Seminar is held by Post-Graduate of Linguistics Program and Indonesian Linguistics Society (MLI) of Andalas University.
10. Contact Person
Dr. Sawirman : 08164717715
Rita Novita : 08126731903
Yanti Riswara : 08126877262 Yukasnedi : 081374238383
11. Miscellaneous Information
For additional information, the speaker/participant can contact the commitees through the contact person numbers, via e-mail linguistik.unand@gmail.com and sawirman@fsastra.unand.ac.id or directly coming to the commitees secretary in Fac. of Letters of Andalas University, Limau Manis Campus, Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia.
PADANG, MARCH 18th 2010
MARCH 18th 2010
The form can digitally be filled, printed, or even copied. After filling the form, it is sent to the commitees by attaching the receipt fee.
1. Name (with the title) :
2. Sex :
3. HP/e-mail/blog/web :
4. Institution
a. address :
b. Telephone/fax :
c. E-mail :
5. Home
a. Address :
b. Telephone/fax :
6. Registered as :
Speaker/Participant (mark one)
7. Registration Fee :
a. Date of Payment :
b. Type of Payment :
(mark one)
* Transfer to BNI 1946, Account Number. 0068987258,
on behalf Yanti Riswara
* Cash (The approving commitee is
written down )
h. Majority : for Speaker only (complete with presentation CV).
.........., ................. 2010
Participant / Speaker
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